Most of my friends have children and I hear that a common reason why they don't exercise is because of their kids.
If you have only one or two children, while they are really little you can get a jogging stroller and be on your way! Once you have three or more, it becomes more difficult. Having your children's naps coordinated to the same time helps.
If you can curve out time during the nap, you can do an exercise video at home. However, you may feel more like taking a nap yourself. Try to exercise anyway! Even if you are slightly more tired for the first few days because of the increased exercise and decreased napping, you will begin to see the fantastic energy boosting effects of exercise with time. I did this during the first year after my daughter was born. Some days I would walk while she napped in her stroller and on other days I'd do a workout video while she played on the floor close by.
If you work outside the home, try exercising on your lunch break. For some this is not really an option either because of not enough time or lack of showers. Even a walk at lunch where you do not sweat is better than not doing anything!
If you make exercise one of your priorities you will be healthier, feel better, have more energy and all of these things will be good for your kids because they are good for you!
Now that my daughter is a little older I'm finding that I have to help get her outside and moving around vs watching movies or TV shows. Helping your kids get off the couch and in shape prepares them to become healthy adults. Here’s how to tap into children’s natural love of movement and get the whole family in shape:
Plan new traditions. Is Saturday morning a time for sausage and pancakes? What about replacing that with a brisk walk to the local park or a bike ride around town?
Make physical activity a family policy. You may even have to make exercise mandatory. But after kids get rolling, they won’t fight it anymore.
Limit screen time by only allowing 1 TV show per day or by setting a timer for the allotted amount of TV time. Only 30 percent of kids say they have time limits on watching TV, playing video games, or using the computer. But when parents do set limits, children cut screen time by a whopping three hours a day.
Take adventure walks in the neighborhood or the woods. Or take your kids to the park to play soccer, Wiffle ball, or kickball, or climb on the jungle gyms. Toddlers love games like red light/green light and Simon Says.
Put fun first so kids don’t feel judged by their sports performance. Instead of incessantly correcting their form or praising them for their skill on the soccer field, let them find their groove and focus on the great time they’re having. My daughter always wants to show me how fast she can run and now she does much less riding in the stroller and a lot more running on her own!
If your kid likes video games, consider an active game. Games like Wii Fitness and Dance Dance Revolution burn calories and develop coordination while providing plenty of fun and entertainment. Beachbody has workout videos for kids led by Tony Horton (Tony & the Kids!) and Shaun T (Shaun T's Fit Club).
In the 4 years since my daughter was born I have always made exercise a priority. Now when she sees me working out she wants to come out and play with her "workout toys".
If you want your kids to understand the priority of exercise they will have to see you doing it first!
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