

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Save Money On Your Groceries!!

One of the biggest questions I get as a fitness coach is “how do I afford to eat better?” The better question is “how can you NOT afford to eat better??” Eating healthier can save you a fortune in medical bills, medical equipment costs, and losing time with family and friends from illness or worse– death.
Let’s take a look at some ways to lower your food costs.
1. Stop Eating Out. This is one of our biggest faults. We are a drive through society. We want QUICK and NOW when it comes to our existence to include our food. But what is that quick and now food costing your wallet and your health. There is high cost associated with eating out. Even the .99 cent hamburger deal costs you a fortune! Yes. It is quick. It is easy. But over time how do you think the nonfood you are feeding your body affects your health and in turn your health expenses. What if you go for the better food options when you are dining out?? WHEW!! You better be ready to lay out some cash and still even then… the quality of GREAT food out is YUCKY!! It is filled with fat, goop, microwaved in most cases and in others just simply over cooked! And get this– it cost you a fortune! You don’t believe me?!? Eat out for a week and then tally your receipts and then eat in or brown bag your meals for work for a week and compare the cost!! You just saved a TON of money!!
2. Plan ahead: Planning ahead plays a role in the expense of your food. Imagine if you go to the store without a plan, buy what might look great and head home to cook it up! Your groceries may last you a few days or even a week depending on how much you bought but without a plan there will be lots left over that couldn’t be paired off for meals or worse was thrown away as loss because you never used it! If you are going to take this route then save yourself the time of shopping and just toss your cash straight into the trash!!
With a meal plan laid out you have a list of exactly what you need, how much of what you need and how many days your groceries will last before having to make another grocery run! NO WASTE! No money thrown away!! Money saved!!
There is a fabulous meal planner on Team Beachbody Club! It even includes a grocery list!! What could be easier and more cost effective!!
Use everything you have before returning to the store to eliminate waste!!
You can also buy in family size packages and cook up enough meat to last a week. With everything planned out, premeasured and ready to go not only will you eat cleaner and be less likely to indulge but you will also save a bundle by cutting out the waste!
3. Coupons and sales: When making your meal plan for the week take a look at the sales ads. What is in season? What is on sale? Can you work some of your meals around the current sales?? When your favorite store is having a sale on meat increase your order for meat and freeze it with a note of exactly what meal you are going to use it for in the future. When the “future” comes all you will need is your perishables to make your meal work. You can also grab coupons to save money. Many stores have great coupon books. Couponing is an art and if you are interested in saving big with couponing then check out sites like Grocery Game.
4. Shop your local farmers market and farmers: One of the biggest ways I save money is to utilize my local food suppliers. You can find local farmers to your location at Local Harvest.
5. Find cheaper alternatives to your nutritional needs: I hunt for ways to get the nutrition I need without eating steak every night– or really ever. Steak is expensive! Egg whites, lugumes, beans, quinoa are not! Make choices for your health but also for your checkbook! Fresh veges are also cheaper as long as you are not tossing them in the trash!! Another great option is Shakeology. It is delicious, quick, easy and at $4 a serving it can’t be beat on cost for the nutrition it packs!!
Eat well, live well and do it on a budget!! I have done it and so can you!!

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