Wednesday, April 25, 2012

‎"The one who made the great bodies of water that become so treacherous as to sink a large ship in it, holds its very movement in His hands...and if He chose to, could provide a sizable fish in that same ocean to swallow a man and keep him alive in it for three days and transport the man to His desired location...
He Himself could walk on the same water and command His disciple to come and walk on it with Him. 
He could take the very elements of the same water it and turn it into wine. 

God can take the largest of potential problems, our most difficult seas and make them become whatever He needs in order to bring you to your Heavenly destination. 
Be it walking on water, turning it into wine, or using it to transport you to a grandeur more beautiful place in life, He will work all things and is working all things for your personal good.

Whether He has allot or just a little to work with, it matters not to Him...He knows no such limitations we often place on ourselves-with Him five loaves becomes a feast for thousands.

He is not looking to us to change anything. He only asks that we would only trust His love for us, and rest as the Great Creative Designer, works inside our small world of impossibilities and provides safe arrival into an enhanced, enlarged place where lost dreams are revived and new grandeur dreams are born...and the new, best wine is served compliments of the house ! The master is bidding you to come - with a smile"

~ ralph brier

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